Our Curriculum
Children's progress is monitored throughout each session. Assessment tells us what each child can do and what they need to be able to do in order to progress. During the child's first year at school the Unique Child Profile is used. As the child progresses through the school they are assessed against national curriculum levels. Skills and attitudes are also assessed.
There are termly assessments in reading, writing, spelling, phonic progression and mathematics. Teachers use on going assessment for learning to inform their planning. End of year assessments include national standard assessment tests (SATs).
Individual assessments may be made.
We think it important to share our knowledge of each child's progress with his/her parents or carers.
Children have targets that they work towards.
Please see the following resources (8 documents):
Welcome to Reception Class.
- Mrs Julia Mitchell- Class Teacher, EYFS Lead, RE Lead
- Mrs Carol Vale – Teaching Assistant
Please see the following resources (16 documents):
Year 1
Welcome to Year 1 Class.
- Miss Hannah Watkin – Class Teacher, Phonics/Early Reading Lead
- Mrs Steph Warren – Class Teacher, PSHE/RSE Lead
- Mrs Heidi Bruin – Teaching Assistant
- Miss Natasha Watts - SEN Teaching Assistant
- Mrs Sarah Paton - SEN Teaching Assistant
- Mrs Charlotte Verge - SEN Teaching Assistant
- Mrs Michelle Stafford (PM) - SEN Teaching Assistant
Please see the following resources (0 documents):
Year 2
Welcome to Year 2 Class.
- Miss Sarah Spall - Class Teacher, History Lead
- Mrs Samantha Sanders (AM)- SEN Teaching Assistant
- Mrs Michelle Stafford (PM) - SEN Teaching Assistant
Please see the following resources (0 documents):
Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 Class.
- Mrs Joanne Winter - Class Teacher, Maths Lead, Geography Lead
- Mrs Debra Thearle - SEN Teaching Assistant
Please see the following resources (0 documents):
Year 4
Welcome to Year 4 Class.
- Mr Mark Woodhouse - Class Teacher, PE Lead
- Miss Nicola Barrett - SEN Teaching Assistant
Please see the following resources (0 documents):
Year 5
Welcome to Year 5 Class.
- Mrs Aby Dunford – Class Teacher, Science Lead, Design and Technology Lead
- Miss Philippa Lockwood - Class Teacher, Creative Arts Lead
- Mrs Manda Woodhouse - SEN Teaching Assistant
Please see the following resources (0 documents):
Year 6
Welcome to Year 6 Class.
- Mrs Nordbruch - Class Teacher, English Lead
- Mrs Rebecca Anderon (AM) - SEN Teaching Assistant, Speech & Language (PM)
- Mrs Samantha Sanders (PM) - SEN Teaching Assistant
Please see the following resources (1 document):
Phonics & Reading
Please see the following resources (3 documents):