
At Binstead Primary School our Mission Statement is "Learning together through fun and challenge". We are a learning community that is passionate about ensuring the best possible education for every child, within a welcoming, challenging and fun environment, where children are excited and engaged by their learning. Binstead is a lively, hardworking and caring community which is recognised as "Good" by Ofsted (March 2024).
We have an experienced and dedicated staff who enjoy their jobs and will do everything to ensure that the children are safe and happy at school, and are proud to be a part of the Binstead community.
We actively encourage parents to become involved in the life of the school in many different ways. There are opportunities to assist in class, support work at home, attend parent’s meetings and help at fundraising events. We have an active Friend’s Association that all parents of children at Binstead are automatically a part of.
Governors are also very active in the life of the school and contribute considerable time and energy to ensuring the continued improvement of the school. The governing body is made up of a group of staff, parents and members of the local community who are committed to Binstead Primary School and ensuring we provide the best education for all our pupils.
There is lots of information in this website to look through, but that wouldn’t give you a real feel for the school so why not pop into the school to have a chat with us, see the school and teachers for yourself. We can provide you with more information, show you around, and introduce you to some of our energetic pupils and staff who enjoy being a part of our school community.
Visits are warmly welcomed and we look forward to meeting you and your child. Please contact us for an appointment.
Rebecca Chessell
Binstead Buzz
For latest updates and information, please see our latest Newsletter:
- Buzz (most recent)
- Buzz (previous week)
- Buzz (two weeks ago)
- Buzz (three weeks ago)
- Buzz (four weeks ago)
- Buzz (five weeks ago)
For further archive newsletters kindly contact the office.
Binstead Primary is an inclusive school that welcomes children from all backgrounds and abilities. Applications are made directly to the local authority. The only restriction placed on entry by the local authority is number of pupils, our current Pupil Allocation Number (PAN) is 30 per year group. If the year group you apply for is full, your child can be put on our waiting list and you will be informed when a space becomes available. Parents may appeal against a decision to refuse entry, they can do so by applying to Isle of Wight Council.
The Isle of Wight School Admissions Policy is set in accordance with the School Admissions Code of Practice published by the Department for Education.
The Isle of Wight Council is the Admissions Authority for all Community and Voluntary Controlled schools on the Island.
Please telephone the Isle of Wight Council on 01983 821000 and ask for 'School Admissions', or follow the link below for more information on the admissions process.
If you would like your child to attend Binstead Primary School, and would like to come and have a look around, please contact the school office on 01983 562341, or email on contactus@binsteadpri.co.uk so we can make an appointment.
For information on starting school in September, please see the 'Term Dates' link on our homepage under 'Quick Links'.
Absence from School
If your child has to be away for any reason, we need to know in order to meet legal requirements.
Please telephone the school between 8.30am and 9.30am on the morning of absence. You will be asked to send an email or note to confirm the absence.
Please do not send your child to school if he or she is unwell.
Family holidays should be taken within the school holidays, rather than term time. Parents must complete an application for authorisation of absence. Forms for this are available from the office. We aim for a 95% attendance.
Where attendance falls below 90% the situation is monitored by the Family Liaison Officer.
Equal Opportunities
Every member of the school is valued equally, irrespective of their race, gender, sexuality, background, age or level of ability. Every child has an entitlement to equal access as far as is possible and participation in all aspects of school life. As a community, we recognise and value diversity of cultures, languages, religions, opinions and beliefs in our society. We seek to engender an atmosphere of respect and sensitivity so that at Binstead we are all conscious of the needs of others, both in school and in the wider community.
Our accommodation is all on ground level and we have a disabled toilet and shower room. Teachers differentiate activities to cover the range of needs of all pupils.
It includes:
- Improving the physical environment of the school, mainly ensuring that as areas are repainted consideration is given to needs of visually impaired eg contrasting colours for doors. Ensuring any redesigned areas allow wheelchair access and consider needs of other disabled users within our community
- Improving delivery of written information as needed to respond to needs of families to include the development of large print information or other formats which respond to needs of current pupils and their families and their preferred means of communication
- Using IT where needed to support disabled pupils and those within our school community
Our accessibility Plan is incorporated into the School Improvement Plan
Medical Services
There is a school nurse allocated to Binstead Primary School, who can be contacted through the school for advice, or if need be, directly on 0300 123 5224
The medical service provides:
- Inspections for school entrants
- Inspections for other children on request
The school nurse does not inspect for head lice. We ask you to check your child's hair regularly and treat if necessary. Head lice are a considerable nuisance, but we have a collective responsibility to keep this to a minimum. If your child has active head lice we may ask you to treat them so that they do not pass to other children. We have adopted the Policy on Head lice agreed by all Isle of Wight Primary Schools.
Staff do not normally administer medicines in school, though in exceptional cases it may be possible to arrange this - this is normally for conditions such as asthma. We require parents/carers to complete a consent form available in the school office.
We communicate:
- Weekly - The Binstead Buzz Newsletter
- Annually - Parents/Carers & Pupils questionnaires, which form part of our self evaluation process (We will consult on specific issues throughout the year)
- Electronically through Arbor and e-mail. Most parents/carers opt for information this way
For information on our staffing structure, please see the following:
School Employee’s Salary Information
We are required to publish how many school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,00 or more in increments of £10,000.
We can confirm that no school employee has a gross annual salary equal to or greater than £100,000.
For information on our governors, what they do and the role they play, please see the following:
Resources (7)
- Governors Attendance
- Governors Business Interests
- Governors Constitution
- Governors Meeting Dates
- Governors Responsibilities
- Govonor Visits
- NGA Code of Conduct
Minutes (5)
We are looking to appoint the following position(s):
Currently no vacancies